Waco Town Crier – June 2024

The month of May has surely done wonders for Lake Waco. There has been so much rain in Texas they had to let water out of Lake Waco. Last year a drought….this year things are flooded. Texas weather- never a dull moment!

A few of our graduates have been in some of the bad weather that has hit Texas. Cathey White Land and her husband experienced some yard, fence and tree damage in the fierce winds that Houston experienced. They were out of power but fortunately had a generator.  

Malissa Ruth Starnes Baugh and her husband experienced tree, fence and yard damage in the Temple tornado. They were without power for several days. The Texas heat and humidity is pretty miserable without power. The great thing is neither of the houses were damaged nor were their families.

Sharon McCarthy Odell had a lot of tree damage in her area during the storms that went through the Dallas area only a few days ago. Her house was also spared.

All of you who live in the Houston, Temple, Dallas area from whom we have not heard, we hope you have had no damage or minimal damage only. Any damage is disturbing…especially at our ages. Thank heavens we have not heard of any lives of our graduates who were harmed from the storms. However, more severe storms are expected tonight and tomorrow ……so keep your fingers crossed and pray for all in harm’s way!

The June 2024 Crier is linked here.   Contents this month include:

  • From Our Graduates
  • Upon Meeting Famous People
  • Memories of the May 11, 1953 Tornado by Howard Dudgeon
  • Updates
  • June Birthdays
  • Did You Know?
  • Some Uses of Dawn Dish Soap that have Nothing to do with Dishes
  • Humor

Please enjoy and continue to let us know how you are, where you might have been, or any news you would like to share. We want to hear from you.

Stay safe, stay healthy, and stay in touch.

Note:  This month’s picture of Omaha Beach in Normandy is from Elizabeth Bentley’s personal library.  May we always remember what Freedom cost that fateful day in June 1944.

Waco Town Crier – May 2024

It is time already for another issue of the Town Crier.

I hope all of you have escaped the bad weather that has been rolling through the good ole USA. Wacoans still remember the tornado of 1953 that killed 119 people and left so much destruction. We can surely sympathize with those in Nebraska and Oklahoma and other parts who have recently experienced the devastation of such inclement weather.

Enjoy the May 2024 issue. Please remember to share with us trips you might have taken, memorabilia you might have run across in decluttering or moving, or any items of interest we might enjoy. Your participation helps to make the Crier interesting and remain in existence.

Stay healthy, stay safe, and stay in touch!

Town Crier Contents:

  • From Our Classmates
  • The Total Eclipse Recap by David Dibb
  • May Birthdays
  • What I Have Learned (1998 publication in Ann Landers’ column)
  • Money Talks News
  • Did You Know? (Howard Dudgeon Trivia)
  • Pictures
  • Medical Humor for Seniors