58th Reunion … Last Minute Information


Our 58th Reunion will be on Tuesday, October 16th, and Wednesday, October 17th, at The Phoenix Ballroom in Waco.

Tuesday Evening, October 16th 5:30-11:00 p. m.

Wednesday Morning, October 17th 9:00-11:00 a. m

Wednesday Evening, October 17th 5:30-11:00 p. m.
6:00-8:00 DINNER BUFFET (Roast Beef OR Tilapia)

(Cash Bar available at both Evening Events)


Cost per person for dinner ONE EVENING: (Tuesday OR Wednesday): $35.00 each
Cost per person for dinner TWO EVENINGS: (Tuesday AND Wednesday): $65:00 each
Wednesday BRUNCH (included at NO CHARGE with one or two day ticket). Brunch ALONE is $35 per person!

Confirmed Attendees (as of October 12, 2018)

Ken and Scoot Baker
Lynette (Muchow) and Jarod Baugh
Malissa (Starnes) and Rex Baugh
Louann (Hilton) Brady
Jeanell (Buida) Bolton
Crozier and Rita Brown
Steven Brown
Rita (Coates) and Ed Burnett
*Tom and Thylis Chambless (Tuesday evening only)
*George Compton (Tuesday evening only)
James and Gia Coone
Al Ctvrtlik
David and Anita Dibb
Howard Dudgeon and guest
Bob and Carolyn Easter
*Janice (Massengale) Foster (Tuesday and Wednesday evenings)
*Ken Freeman (Tuesday evening only)
Betty (Luedeker) Gatlin
Jeanne (Holland) Harman
*Anitra (Harrell) Henrion (Tuesday evening and Brunch)
Susan (Harkness) Hill
Gwen (Ewing) and Wayne Hodges
Kay (Albright) Hofer
*Sue (Welborn) and Bobby Hopper (Wednesday Brunch and evening)
*Karon Shinault Jackson (Brunch only)
*Hal Johnson (Tuesday evening and Wednesday Brunch)
George and Glenda Karahal
*Joy (Rogers) Keele and daughter Suzette Wofford (Wednesday Brunch and evening)
*Joyce Virginia (Brock) Kilgo and Lisa Frenette (Tuesday evening and Brunch)
Tom Kittlitz
Charlotte (Suttle) Kleibrink
*Cathey (White) Land (Tuesday evening
and Brunch)
Tim (Lasseter) Latta
*Mickey and Melody Lavy (Wednesday Brunch
and evening)
*Angie (Plemons) Lehman and Larry Hartsel (Wednesday Brunch and evening)
Pat and Carol Malone
Bill and Jeanette Markum
Don Matkin
Jim Maxwell
*Don McClellan and Carol Zwan (Wednesday evening only)
Dorothy (Bryan) McCook
Linda (Phelps) and James McKee
*Mary Beth (Cash) and Don McMahon (Wednesday Brunch and evening)
Larry and Neysa McMurray
David and Janie McPhail
*Jim Monnig (Wednesday Brunch and evening)
John (Moon) Mullen and Guest
Judith (Hamff) Murphy
*Babz (Wester) and Larry Musser (Wednesday Brunch and evening)
Jane (Berry) and Art Neece
*Frank Neel (Wednesday evening and maybe Brunch)
Sandra (Wooten) and Don Overholser
David Peeples
Mickey (Lade) and John Perkins
*Terrell Reagan (Wednesday Brunch and evening)
Joe Riley
*Gary and Donna Roberts (Gary-all events and Donna-Brunch only)
*David and Lesley Rosen (Tuesday evening only)
Christian Ruebeck
Carol (Adams) Scarborough
Suzann (Bettencourt) Scott (cousin of Carolyn Taylor, Class of ’61)
Marvin and Ruth Schutza
Charles Sligh
Rod and Cheri Sommer
Norma (Cissell) and Wayne Smith
Kay (Phillips) and Ralph Sparks
Aubrey Stringer and Phyllis Wieser
Carolyn Taylor (Rayburn)
Tommie Ruth (Blair) Toler
*Randy Turner (Wednesday Brunch and evening)
Vince and Betty Tusa
Nena (Hunt) and Bob Wallace
*Mary Ann (Shilling) Watt (Brunch only)
Gayla (Miller) and Rodney Webb
Bev (Murphy) Wells
*Dorothy (Horton) and Raymond Wilcox (Wednesday Brunch and evening)
*Charles and Apala Wilson (Wednesday evening only)
Robert (Little Red) Wilson
*SuEllen (Golden) and John Wilson (Wednesday evening only)

* Ones not attending all events
Total: 121
Classmates: 75
Spouses and guests: 46

What if I’d like to attend but haven’t made a reservation?

You need to act quickly. Call Malissa (254-217-2918) by MONDAY, October 15th, and let her know. She’s already turned in the final numbers to the caterer and it’s not fair to him (or to Malissa) to keep adding people. Sometimes the caterer brings extra but that can’t be guaranteed.

Waco Town Crier – October 2018

An adapted version of “The Town Crier” sent by Jeanne Harman on September 26, 2018.

From Our Fearless Leader

“Greetings to all of our WHS Class of 60 classmates. The countdown has begun. In less than a month, we will gather at the mothership (aka The Phoenix Ballroom) for our 58th class reunion. The excitement is building and the plans are final. There is still time to register, but it’s running out. If you still need a registration form, please let me know by phone or text (817-600-4734) and you do text, don’t you? Email Malissa Starnes Baugh or call (254-217-2918).

Malissa has been working so hard on name badges so that we will be able to identify each other! This is a huge group endeavor. Please join us for fun, news of friends and a stroll down memory lane.

Looking so forward to seeing each and every one of you.”
Tim Lasseter Latta

From Our Graduates

“It was wonderful to hear from Asa. She’s had a full and rewarding life. I admire all that she’s done.

It was great to hear from some of our classmates. Sondi, you are very talented. Thanks for sharing about your talent with us. Maybe you could share more with us if you sent a video or recording. How about it? I’d love to hear you play.

I’m looking forward to our 58th reunion. It may just be the last time we are all together at our ages and with our disabilities. I am blessed to be in surprisingly good shape for an old woman! 😊 I pray for all of you who are struggling with hardships. May you each find healing, peace, comfort, and strength.”
Tommye Blair Toler

“Our daughter, Lana, could use some prayers. She was in a car wreck, not her fault, and broke her arm above the wrist and the air bag seems to have caused her hearing to sound like a tunnel. This could be temp or permanent. Please pray for healing and return her hearing. Her arm is healing after surgery. She will be off work 3 to 4 months.”
Sandra Wooten Overholser

“Mickey (Lade) Perkins is in HEB HOSPITAL Room 203 due to pain under rib cage since Thursday night. (Sept 20). They have not been told from what source or when she will be released to return home. She does need our prayers.”
Phyllis Brook

“I will not be attending this year due to some pre-scheduled tests and doctor appointments and am sorry I cannot come to visit everyone.. Hopefully will be able to attend for the next one.”
Jeannie Dickerson

Regarding Hurricane Florence

“We were stationed in Raleigh NC, and we never had anything like that while we were there. We visited most of those coastal areas while there—and they were beautiful, with amazing beaches.”
Clara Sue (Griffis) Arnsdorff

Update on Massey Foundation

Formed by Jan Massey’s family, in accordance with her wishes

Check the website for upcoming events and attractions.
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Show and Tell

It is my distinct honor to recognize Jim Woodson this month. I cannot begin to tell you the talent that this man possesses; therefore, I am going to let his website do the job for me.

After graduating from Waco High, Jim obtained his Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, Texas, 1965 with a major in painting. In 1967, earned a Master of Fine Arts degree, major in painting, from The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas. Currently, Jim is Professor Emeritus of Art, Texas Christian University after having taught there for 39 years. Jim spends a lot of his time in New Mexico where he gets a lot of his inspirations.

Jim’s resume is absolutely mind-boggling! Give yourself plenty of time to check out his website. One of the most interesting things I learned in doing my research on Jim was the fact that he was one of the three private instructors for President George Bush when the President decided to try his hand at painting. The whole interview with all three instructors is at this link. It is an hour-long interview but I found it to be most interesting and it explains the part that Jim played in Bush’s artistic growth.

Jim sent me a picture of a portrait which he painted from a photograph of President Bush. I have included it with a few examples of Jim’s work. Jim explains that he is not a portrait painter (landscapes are his forte) but just how many times have you seen that little grin on the face of George Bush? I think Jim nailed it, don’t you? Jim told me that President George Bush included this portrait in an exhibition that was held to introduce Bush’s portraits of wounded warriors.

A TCU magazine in 2013 had a very good article about Jim. It mentioned that Laura Bush owns a Jim Woodson painting. The article also mentioned some of Jim’s life in Waco and beyond. You can read the whole TCU article at this link.

In the Ft. Worth, Texas Magazine in 2016, an article on Jim states that he was appointed Texas State Artist of the Year (2D) by the Texas State Legislature and the Texas Commission on the Arts. This designation is the state’s highest recognition for excellence in the arts. That article can be read here.

Jim’s life has surely been diversified, rewarding, and interesting. Jim says that “his health has been pretty good and his life has also been good.” Just like all of us, Jim wonders, “where has the time gone?” Now, go grab yourself a cup of coffee or a coke, sit back for a bit or a long time, and absorb yourself in the talent of our very own WHS 1960 graduate.

6- Randy Farrar
7- Gregory Howell
9- Marvin Schutza
15- Betty Barkley Flowers
16- Charles Edward Wilson
17- LuAnn Hanna Lund
Beverly Summey Gritter
18- John Ferguson
David Walsworth
21- Ken Baker
26- Anitra Harrell Henrion
29- Tim Lasseter Latta


A “blast from the past” photograph. Tommye Ruth Blair Toler, on the right, recently found this picture taken in 1962 when she was a student nurse. You will recall she retired from nursing in 2005.




John and Tim Lasseter Latta have recently returned from vacationing in Big Bend. They visited the McDonald Observatory, hiked and were awed by the Chisos Mountains. Tim said they saw three bears up close (yikes!). They are already anxious to return. When they lived in California one of their favorite haunts was Yellowstone so I imagine they will become more and more familiar with Big Bend, but hopefully, not with the bears.