I hope the weather in your area is pleasant. We in Texas are getting ready for the long hot summer. Waco has had some recent rains which has helped our lake; however, Lake Waco is still over 7 feet below normal. We are still on water rationing for our yards.
Do not forget to send info to the Town Crier as input from graduates is imperative for an interesting Crier. Jim Monnig is planning to tell some stories for us in some future issues. He is a good storyteller so I am anxious to hear from him. Remember, if you go on vacation, send pictures ! A picture is worth a thousand words.
Stay safe and healthy: we are losing far too many classmates!
Here’s what you’ll find in the June issue:
- From the Editor
- From Our Graduates
- Memorial Day
- Updates
- Remembering Mickey Lade Perkins
- Remembering Charles Chatham
- Do You Know?
- June Birthdays
- Pictures from the April Luncheon
- Humor